:: Porkchop Serum ::

There's sparks over that building, they shootin at me. so I dip, do a back flip and hit em in the heart with sharp steel bookmarks
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:: Monday, August 08, 2005 ::

I think i'm cresting a hill. I feel different. It could be endorphins. It has a lot to do with the fact that right now, my quads and hams are painful to use, my abdominal muscles hide a dull pain as well. my back is lifeless and sleeping right now while it recovers from today.. what it all means to me is growth. Im growing. lungs clearing. heart surging. i suddenly have a desire to eat better. to get up early. to clean my apartment. to push my body to a place it hasnt really been to in a long while. I welcome a nights sleep that has to start at ten because i know that without the rest, my body can rebuild itself.

I know this all sounds corny and cheesy and whatever. Commiting yourself to something. Following a workout program. Eating good food. writing poetry. sculpting. singing. archery. lockpicking. holding on to it like an addiction. anticipating reaching that next step. hitting that high note.penetrating that inpenetrable lock. finishing a workout in 10 minutes when last time you barely choked it out in 20. progress. growth. looking behind you and seeing a lesser you and looking forward and imagining how far you can go.

that is road to enlightenment. merge, baby

:: sandy 9:50 PM [+] ::

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