:: Porkchop Serum ::

There's sparks over that building, they shootin at me. so I dip, do a back flip and hit em in the heart with sharp steel bookmarks
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:: Friday, September 30, 2005 ::


A game show premiere. Actually a reality show, with a premiere "unveiling" of the cast in a very dimly lit, shallow restaurant. The wall towards the street is full of glass and the candleholders on the tables twinkle from flickering lights on the wall. the crowd and cameras are outside, peering in. There is noise and music and flashes from the onlookers. And black cabling on the floor and piercing mini spotlights drawing out the cast. And i can't be there, i'm hidden around the corner, hidden from the crowd, slightly offstage. Have i been placed there? Maybe its because i can't tie my tie. I struggle with it. I watch the bright teeth of my castmates gleem in the bright darkness.

We all stand before a grand skeleton of a building, torn and eaten away by the acid of time. Its a moonfilled night, with a mellow luminous diffusion bringing all the details of our surroundings, minus color. cool breeze. comfortable like the fall in a sweatshirt. We gaze up at the building, our first test of the night. A blaze is cooking inside! we must put it out because i guess that is our mission. I take the scaffold of pipe and broken wall that snake throughout the brick shell. Climbing, ascending and i perch upon a steel wheel valve. I twist it shut and the fuel for the fire is closed off. My classmates yell and cheer. I've defeated this first task, or so i think. The fire still burns in a little pile in a small corner of some yesterday room. We all sprint this time but I still make it there first. Unfortunately, this time i spin and race around looking for something to put out the fire. A shiny container of something to stomp out this tiny little flame. I lose this race and a teammate sends a wave of anti-fire to finally end this building chapter.

We move to a one floor structure is that broad instead of tall. wide and low with a hole in the roof towards the the right rear. Still glowing in the moonlight, we all leap in through the rough opening into a strange small little room that reminds me of a kindergarten. all of the sudden i'm alone, struggling to unlock the code that will allow me access to the next part of the maze. Everyone else seems to have progressed yet i'm left to ensnare myself in some sort of plastic hose or snake that isnt helping much. I escape out a door only to realise that i'm outside again and I must go back in if i'm to progress in this race or game. I feel fear and panic as if the last place finisher will surely die. I vault upon the roof once more and come across three of my teammates, lined up abreast and heels to the edge of the roof. Still and silent, they look like they've been banished. Stuck in place like three maidenheads for all to see and reflect on. they are forever to contemplate their failures. I'm glad i'm not part of this shameful troika. I bound towards the opening for another go

:: sandy 11:35 PM [+] ::

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