:: Porkchop Serum ::

There's sparks over that building, they shootin at me. so I dip, do a back flip and hit em in the heart with sharp steel bookmarks
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:: Thursday, October 29, 2015 ::

Assad is actually dead.

I wear his skin suit around as part of a plan to slowly destroy his regime through acts of lethargy and confusion. Assad is really good at Mariokart now. I challenge Fuckstick and Adam to come to my palace in Damascus. First to 100 wins gets to drop a barrel bomb!

My latest mission was to visit Russia and get Putin into a compromising position on camera. Wasn't that difficult and Vlad, you are one gentle megalomaniac.

Check it out at http://www.mykremlinboner.com

:: Sandy 9:35 PM [+] ::

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