:: Porkchop Serum ::

There's sparks over that building, they shootin at me. so I dip, do a back flip and hit em in the heart with sharp steel bookmarks
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:: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 ::

ah, man, wind like if from the gods has just pummeled this area today.. heavy, steady winds of like 30 and 40 mph gust types. And with the shear distances that you can see in these flatlands of Idaho, its really humbling...

Um, work duties have really curtailed any attempts at BAEing every day. Working from 6 to 8 is tough on the body and leaves me with not a whole lot left except a perverted longing for my hotel bed..oooh, how i want to slide around on its polyester spread as I watch canadians sprinters choke.

Please dont let drinking become some sort of default.. i mean, doesnt it require more effort to drive and go get booze than it does to sit and write about shit? bad, dude. you know where all this could lead. Tell the desire to drink, a think I call Barney, to shut the fuck up... FUCK BARNEY!!!!

I think you should come out here at some point.. a place in the US where the land is flat and grand of scale... watching the clouds and rain and feeling the wind when you can see clear our to the horizon in all directions.. its awe inspiring, at the risk of using a cliched phrase. the scale sticks you deep. feel it

:: sandy 11:42 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, August 23, 2004 ::
Damn you are a prolific mickyflick...

I think that this Sunday has defeated any attempts to do anything cool. Idaho Falls is a sleepy, sad little town where the Wendy's close at 9:30. Can you believe that. I think I would positively DIE in a town like that. But it was dark and rainy and I couldnt see for shit so I will withhold judgement till later

I happened to snag a nice 4x4 so just in case I need to scale the TEEEETons, I will

For some reason the weather is a lot worse than we determined and thus, i am cursing myself for not bring ANY KIND OF JACKET whatsoever... how fuckin great is that.. not getting above 70 the whole week and rain the whole time, and all i have is shortsleeves. This has forced me to locate a couple outdoor shops that i'll have to assault before my 0900 pickup time.

now, I must go. for it is 2am EST and I be ti-red. Steady rock

:: sandy 1:57 AM [+] ::

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