:: Porkchop Serum ::

There's sparks over that building, they shootin at me. so I dip, do a back flip and hit em in the heart with sharp steel bookmarks
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:: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 ::

Jamaica man force me nearly dead with laughs
I watch the people rush the door like harbour sharks, come on
Sunshine is a good time for the Bus Ride
Fun time is a good time for the Bus Ride
Fun time is a good time for the Bus Ride

I meant to mention your prior employments, but I hadnt quite squeezed (squoze?) out my verbal shit yet. So I kept rollin. I, personally, can't wait to float in your olympic sized hot tub, sippin scotch and slappin the hoes... But for some reason you like to deny all of us this destined future.. make it happen, Kunt.

:: sandy 5:00 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 ::
Fear of success? Responsibility? That could be it. Like a fear that if you ever had a real job with real duties that some wild part of matt would die away and forever be lost. The fear that you could no longer steal away at four in the morning on a wednesday, drive to west virginia and do something naughty in a Texaco bathroom.. you dont do that do you. That was my attempt to thing of a "Matt activity"

Well, to all that above. Suck it up. Thems the breaks. I long for the day when we can all take leave from work and assemble in some town on the outskirts of Rome. Just for a week. Sipping wine and enjoying a nice slab of steak.

Sir, you can't jump from here to there. I know it would be great to do that but what fun would it be to chat in Italy, a couple of wissened Americans, plump with knowledge and experience and a lot of hard work behind them, if we hadnt actually gone through the rough muck to get there.

Whats a vacation without a life to escape from?

:: sandy 5:21 PM [+] ::

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