:: Porkchop Serum ::

There's sparks over that building, they shootin at me. so I dip, do a back flip and hit em in the heart with sharp steel bookmarks
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:: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 ::

man, you are quite the hornery pig-fucker.

Hey, I have a great idea for a blog! Lets posts questions to each other and then have each other answer those questions and then we have them on the blog and everyone can read about the questions AND the answers!!! its so perfect. Its kinda like email but email is like 5 years ago.

suck it bitch!!! im better at galaga than you. and any attempt at mocking is just going to sound more pathetic. maybe you should get a tattoo of my three letter name above your three letter name!

anyway, the beck post was just a preliminary post. a rock thrown at you from an overpass, just to crack your skull. maybe ooze out some jew-sss

we need to take a road trip. like a long weekend to some where near by. while the weather is nice and after i get my car all back to norm it will be ripe for such galavaaaanting. perhaps we take another? maybe two? who is worthy? Worthy, James? I think he is busy forever. I vote for either Mickey Rourke or Johnny Depp.. what else could they possibly be doing. another thing, bryan was talking about taking another day trip up to chicago, maybe for a cubs game, maybe just to hang in chi-town. maybe look up kristin as she's already mapped out the city.

think about that as you weep. dwelling on scores that fall short. your ashen face as someone you love more than anything catches a glimpse of you engrossed in your latest venture... farewell M.W. PhD Scatologist

:: sandy 6:33 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, April 24, 2005 ::
Beck might be the shit right now. Guero, my friend, guero.

:: sandy 12:34 PM [+] ::

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