:: Thursday, September 01, 2005 ::
You're probably still working the last little bit of a fourteen hour day. that 60 bones in your pocket helps it flow more smoothly I imagine. So, while you toil away for the bookman, i'll hit it a little bit
What is happening in New Orleans is fucking incredible. Almost too horrific to have been conjured in a book or a movie, mainly due to the large numbers of people affected and the dark, evil cloud that has decended on the NO. A screenplay is definately in the works as we speak by someone somewhere. Perhaps the newsmen had played their juxtaposition game well but i was wholly sucked into the stories of anarchy, fear, desperation, violence and death visiting the city beneath the water. Roving bands of warring gang members, outfitted with guns and other weapons retrieved from once secure pawn shops or even run of the mill gun shops. You know what kind of anarchistic, rebellious energy that these people must feel. Much like the panic that the kids of Red Dawn felt yet at the same time, they knew exactly where to go. And so did these folks. Apparently milling about the town robbing people of food, shooting each other, shooting cops and helicopters. There are even reports of rapes. Police pleading with women to stay off the streets.
Meanwhile, high above the violence are little pockets of white folk.. prisoners in hotels and apartment buildings. Like rats from a ship, theyve perched themselves on the top floors, living the hours out on rooftop patios. From time to time peering over the edge until more gunfire rings out. dwindling food, water, and pet food for thier dogs, most are terrified to leave the roof and cant sleep at night with thoughts of interlopers climbing the stairs turning hairs gray. a few will venture out during the relatively safe hours of daylight to find that one pay phone that works. the fearless one, the one who smokes, ventures out to connect up with other "roofers" to compare notes, pool resources, swap stories, and commiserate.
widespread power loss, maybe a battery powered radio or tv here and there. a lone generator at the hospital is on its last legs. the nights are hot and muggy. its starting to smell.
Heres the opening from an AP article. Is it real? Could it be real?
"New Orleans descended into anarchy Thursday, as corpses lay abandoned in street medians, fights and fires broke out and storm survivors battled for seats on the buses that would carry them away from the chaos. The tired and hungry seethed, saying they had been forsaken.
"I'm not sure I'm going to get out of here alive," said Canadian tourist Larry Mitzel, who handed a reporter his business card in case he goes missing. "I'm scared of riots. I'm scared of the locals. We might get caught in the crossfire."."
http://www.nola.com/ for all things frightening
:: sandy 10:35 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, August 29, 2005 ::
i w g a w y s!!!!!!
This will be emblazoned upon my forehead for all eternity. but not my real forehead, my forehead in ScrewDriverLand. The place where all things happen. Every possible variation of events. For it is only in "SiDilL" that the concept of "Eew-gaw-wis" will flourish, sweeping the land, sleeping in the trees, plotting crimes with the Peregrines and obese Marmosets.
Yes, the 100 feet of walking lunges is a terrible thing. A very targeted soreness pervades the land of me. the middle quadricep muscle, rectus femorus, is mad sorry as are my glutes. very specific. interesting.
:: sandy 6:43 PM [+] ::