:: Friday, January 30, 2009 ::
How to fake one's demise:
Pick a beach of your choosing.. preferably one with noticable wave activity. During a period of time when the beach is closed/empty/nighttime, carry a set of SCUBA gear out beyond the waves and anchor it to the ocean floor (assuming that it is reasonable to reach withOUT SCUBA). Practice swimming out and finding the SCUBA gear during the day, during the night, etc. Arrive a beach with loved one, friend, associate (preferrably someone who cannot swim well) during the night... faint depression or dire circumstances..allow friend to bring you back down.. go for a night swim.. keep swimming... when you lose sight of the other person, dive to your gear. Put it on and clear your mask. swim laterally.. far enough to emerge out of sight of the other person. The rest is up to you
:: Sandy 7:45 AM [+] ::